Sunday, May 29, 2011

May 29, 2011. A Day to Drive. And What A Beautiful Drive it Was

I spent the day driving, not wanting to hike. So here is a brief description of my day followed by many thoughts from the road. I drove around Bellingham and loved the old town as well as its location.

Wow Washington State is huge! And I chose back roads to experience it. I drove Route 20 through Cascade National Park but skipped the visitor center because I was annoyed by slow drivers. Maybe not my best decision, but I wanted to make Montana. I got to see LOTS of snow, and tons of people outdoors. I liked that. I loved the old western town of Winthrop and if it wasn’t so busy would have spent much more time there. I went through another old town called Republic. I like oldness. Except sometimes old people, because they make me sad. I got tired around 6pm and decided to stop in Sand Point, Idaho on Idaho’s biggest lake. I didn’t make Glacier National Park, but it’s really pretty here!


A small part of route 20 reminded me of CT, then I came to gorgeous open fields with misty hills behind them and horses with barns.

I’m not sure why I love falling down old houses and barns so much. Yes they are a little sad to see but they intrigue me so much. I find them historical and beautiful.

High tension wires running along a scenic route REALLY kill the mood.

I can’t stand when people don’t go the speed limit. I mean 15 below is a bit crazy. Especially when I have eight hours of driving to do.

The Cascade National Park may be my favorite mountains. Scenery wise that is. There were tons of snow capped mountains, waterfalls, and A LOT of what looked like cross country skiers. Could have been downhill for all I know.

Winthrop, Washington is an amazing picturesque western town.

The Washington State topography is very diverse.

Kettle Falls, where 1640 people live and one grouch.

Young people, and not so smart people, suck at giving directions. They just got to their fancy phones and believe them! The maps don’t lie but the internet does. Well, at least my maps don’t lie.

There are a ton of dams out here.

Northern Idaho is much prettier than southern Idaho.

Hello huge homes on beautiful lake Pend Oreille.

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