Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 3, The Mall! I mean the mall!

Didn’t do too much today. Woke up late, tried to figure out the rest of my road trip, got my very first car wash as the driver to try and remove some bugs, (it was a not successful), drove some more, went to THE mall, and drove some more. Getting a late start does not leave me very productive.

I did however walk around The Mall of America where I saw lots o shops, people watched, and road a roller coaster. In the mall! I chose one of three. Who knew there is an entire amusement park inside, and a Lego world, and supposedly an aquarium?

Thoughts from the day:

There were a few things to do in North Dakota that I had previously written down but none were too exciting. I feel like I didn’t do much in the state but I also feel like I didn’t miss much. As the very sassy/rude/maybe trying to be funny guy said, “This is North Dakota for Christ’s sake.”

I tried to use traveler 511. I think most states have it now but dang is it a long, slow, annoying process. Especially if you are a driver. Shouldn’t you be focusing on the road and not some annoying questions?

I-94 wasn’t too crowded in Minnesota but state road 29 sure was!

Saint Paul, MN is a very green city.

I saw a hawk fly over the highway and land in a tree while holding its rat like dinner. Yum.

There really are Casinos everywhere. I’m not just making it up.

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