I thought I would be gone by now on the second loop of the trip, but have run into a few complications. That cold I caught a few weeks ago turned into a few infections and bed rest. Now that I am feeling better it is time to get on the road. A week behind schedule and not 100% healthy, but ready to go.
However, I have already hit a few snags and haven’t even left the house. The car has been fully packed for a few days and has not left the driveway. More than a week behind schedule I actually think I will leave tomorrow.
The Yankee Siege Trebuchet is not being operated this year at all. It leads me to believe something not so good has happened in their family, which makes me sad, but I am very disappointed I will not get to see punkin chukin at its finest. This snag has made me have to change my route and re think some things.
Than my friends outside of Boston were not home or did not answer their phones. No point in leaving that afternoon. Next issue was with Walgreens and filling a prescription. I know it may seem I am making excuses, but cannot justify leaving in the afternoon. I like to leave in the morning when I am high energy and have the entire day before me.
With all that being said I am finally all ready to leave. I have not seen the leaves change colors or a true New England Fall in eight years, and nothing is going to stop me. Tomorrow if I awake and my leg is broken or I have a fever, I do not care. It is time to see Fall.
I hope you feel better V! I bet fall is beautiful out by you :-)