Thursday, April 28, 2011

4-28. Travel Day

I’m on my way to a friend’s wedding in Indianapolis and here are my thoughts from the day. Yes I write them down when I think of them. That’s what being in an airport and always having a pen is good for.

I put $10 of gas into my car outside the airport and only got 2.1 gallons. I was shocked, and just laughed out loud.

There were lots of men caring suits in suit bags in San Francisco. This lead me to think two things. One: Wow, not to stereotype, but there are a lot of gay men in San Francisco and they take care of their clothing better. Two: there are lots of single men going to weddings on a Thursday.

Even on Southwest Airlines where luggage is free there are a ton of people who want to carry on their overstuffed luggage and have two pieces. Oh Unitedstatesians.

There are a lot of attractive people in airports.

I read an entire book on my first flight (leaving me very bored on my second flight). The book was called “Dear Exile” and was amazing. It was just so real and hit home in many ways. Especially the first three letters, page 64 and page 156. It was two friends letters while one was in Peace Corps. I think it is the best quick example of life in Peace Corps, life going on back in the states without you, and then the reality of coming home. READ IT!

I LOVE PEOPLE WATCHING! It makes me smile, and cringe, and happy.

Why am I so good at sitting still when alone but need toys and to fidget when with people? Any psychologists want to take a stab at that one? I think it’s because I am stimulated and fascinated by people watching. But does that mean my real friends and family bore me? Not too sure about this predicament.

Country Inn and Suits are awesome! Huge cheap room from Orbitz with big bed, couch, two big chairs, desk and chair, microwave, freezer and fridge, free cookies all the time, free breakfast, and airport shuttle.

Cannot wait to see my Peace Corps peops tomorrow!

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